School Self-Evaluation

School Self-Evaluation

School Self-Evaluation

Through School Self Evaluation we continuously strive to improve the educational experience of our students. Our three chosen areas of focus are Literacy, Numeracy and Teaching & Learning.

Outline of SSE process

This process involves surveying all our school stakeholders (students, parents and teachers) to evaluate what is working well in the school and what needs to be improved. From here we chose a number of areas that needed to be improved, we set quantifiable targets and designed actions and initiative that would help us to bring about these changes. Each initiative has a three year cycle. In year one of the cycle we implement the changes, in year two we monitor progress and in year three we evaluate if the process was a success and if it improved the students' educational experiences and outcomes.

Literacy Plan

To date we have achieved all of the targets set out in our Literacy Plan. This has resulted in a significant increase in the number of students taking Higher Level English at Junior Cycle and Leaving Certificate.

  • We agreed to use group work and pair work across all subjects.
  • We also agreed to pre-teach key words in each subject and to get students to a) learn definitions, b) learn spellings and c) use the words in their notes/homework.
  • Our third target was to promote reading for enjoyment with our students. This can include magazines, newspapers, books etc.

Numeracy Plan

Our focus for 2018/19 has been Numeracy. For this initiative we looked at ways to improve teacher's individual practice and student outcomes. Teachers worked hard during this year to implement changes to the way they assigned work.

  • Teachers began creating success criteria for assignments/units of work. This success criteria is shared with students so they can mould their assignments to suit the marking schemes.
  • These success criteria where possible will also be differentiated to ensure all students can succeed at their own level.
  • All teachers are using a common approach to calculating percentages and all tests are being handed back without the percentages calculated. You will see a poster in every classroom showing this common approach, please familiarise yourself with the approach and use it accordingly.
  • Students are expected to calculate their own percentages using the common approach. It is hoped that this will help students master this mathematical skill.
  • We have placed numeric equations on the doors of each classroom that equal the number of the classroom.
  • Finally, we have placed a flight plan on the inside of each school journal. We ask students to track their classroom test results in English, Irish and Maths on this diagram. Students are encouraged in other subjects to track their progress also.

Last year was our first year implementing this plan. It was a very successful year and we have met nearly all of our targets for year one. This has seen a significant increase in the number of students accessing Higher Level Mathematics.

Teaching and Learning Plan

Our focus for 2019/20 will be on teaching and learning. Following consultation with the staff and analysis of the student surveys, we are focusing on using learning intentions to support teaching and learning.

  • All teachers will begin their lessons by outlining what the learning intention is for that lesson. This is a road map/goal of what the teacher wants the students to know at the end of each lesson. It is hoped that this will improve students’ experiences, help them to get a sense of achievement having achieved their goal and that this will in turn help improve their learning outcomes.
  • Learning intentions should be differentiated into “Must/Should/Could” or “All/Some/Few”
  • All students should write the learning intentions down in each class.

The SSE committee meets during lunchtime roughly once a month.

Improvement plan 2018.pdf

SSE report 2019.pdf

Kildare Town Community School
Dunmurry Rd,
Kildare Town,
Co. Kildare,
R51 D288

045 535228

© 2025 Kildare Town Community School