Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme


What is Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP)?
❖ A two-year Leaving Certificate Programme of the Department of Education offered to 5th Year students
❖ There is an academic, Vocational & Enterprise focus
❖ Experiences such as work placements, career investigations, mini-enterprises, business and enterprise visits e.g Butlers Chocolate & Tayto Park are an integral part of the programme

What are the benefits of doing LCVP?
❖ LCVP grades can be used as part of your six best subjects counted for CAO purposes so it can improve your academic CAO success.

❖ It is an extra subject you can do in LCVP instead of a Guidance class. Offered once a week.

❖ Last year one third of students nationwide got a Distinction (the equivalent of a H4). 80% of students who did LCVP, used this subject as their 6th best subject for CAO purposes.

❖ The LCVP course is fully completed before the Leaving Certificate exams beginning in June of 6th Year (Wrieetn exam in May. Portfolio in March of 6th Year)
❖ It helps students choose their preferred third-level course and choose their ideal career
❖ Develops IT, communication, vocational, problem-solving, interview techniques and teamwork skills
❖ Students get the opportunity to undertake work experience and become more employable.
❖ Students learn how to be innovative and enterprising
❖They will be better positioned to set up their own business by completing their Enterprise plan.

Assessment of the links modules has two components:
Written examination worth 40% usually occurs the first week of May of 6th Year.

A portfolio worth 60% prepared by each candidate is due in March of 6th year. Students assemble the portfolio over the two years of the programme. Portfolio: CORE ITEMS: Curriculum Vitae, Career Investigation, Enterprise/Action Plan, Summary Report
OPTIONAL ITEMS (any two): Diary of Work Experience, Enterprise Report, Recorded Interview/Presentation, Report on My Own Place

How is LCVP certified? LCVP students are awarded the same certification as is used in the Leaving Certificate. Grades for the Link Modules are presented in the following categories:
Grade Points
❖ Distinction 80-100% 66 points (the equivalent of H4)
❖ Merit 65-79% 46 (the equivalent of a H6)
❖ Pass 50-64% 28
Over 15,600 students participate each year, and over 80% of students use their LCVP grade as their best sixth subject for points.
LCVP students have the same opportunity to proceed to Universities & Third Level Institutions as students in the Leaving Certificate, and their results can be submitted for CAO Points purposes.

Programme Requirements for students:
❖ All students can now do LCVP

What do the Link Modules involve? Link modules are covered over the course of two years.
Link Module 1 – Preparation for the World of Work
Students will research and investigate local employment opportunities, develop job-seeking skills such as letter writing, CV presentation, interview techniques; gain valuable practical experience of the world of work; interview and work shadow a person in a career area that interests them.
Link Module 2 – Enterprise Education
Students will be involved in organising visits to local business and community enterprises; meet and interview enterprising people on site and in the classroom; plan and undertake interesting activities that will build self–confidence, creativity, initiative and develop teamwork, communication and computer skills.

For any students and Parents/ Guardians who would like to know more about LCVP in Kildare Town Community School, please have a look at the two videos below:


LCVP 2023.pptx.pdf

Yours sincerely,
Mr Frank O’Sullivan
Programme Coordinator

Kildare Town Community School
Dunmurry Rd,
Kildare Town,
Co. Kildare,
R51 D288

045 535228

© 2025 Kildare Town Community School