Wellbeing supports for students and parents

A useful list of apps, websites, and organizations offering support.

Mobile apps

These mobile apps can help you manage anxiety. They have been approved for listing here by the HSE Mental Health Group.

The app developers are solely responsible for their compliance and fitness for purpose. These apps are not supplied by the HSE and the HSE is not liable for their use.

Mindshift (by Anxiety Canada)


MindShift CBT teaches about anxiety, helping users to engage in healthy thinking and to take action. Users check in each day to track their anxiety and work with tools in the app.

Get it in the App Store or on Google Play



Headspace is a well-known mobile app that teaches meditation and easy to use mindfulness skills. Map your journey and track your progress and ‘buddy up’ with friends and motivate each other.

Get it in the App Store or on Google Play.

Clear Fear


For teenage mental health charity Stem4. The app uses CBT to focus on learning to reduce the physical responses to threat by learning to breathe, relax and be mindful as well as changing thoughts and behaviours and releasing emotions. You can personalise the app and track your progress.

Get it in the App Store or on Google Play

HSE Eating Disorder Self Help App


A self-care app for people:

  • with an eating disorder
  • caring for someone with an eating disorder
  • worried about developing an eating disorder
  • diagnosed or are recovering from an eating disorder

From the HSE National Clinical Programme for Eating Disorders and Bodywhys.

Read more about the HSE Eating Disorder Self Help App.

Supports for younger people, their parents or guardians

Childline (ISPCC)


Ireland's 24-hour national listening service for young people up to the age of 18.

Freephone 1800 666 666 any time.

Text 50101 from 10am to 4pm every day.

Chat online at childline.ie anytime

BeLonG To Youth Services


Support for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI+) young people in Ireland.

Text LGBTI+ to 086 1800 280 to chat confidentially with a trained crisis volunteer anytime - standard SMS rates may apply.

While face-to-face services are closed, information, referral and advice is available by email, SMS, phone call or video conference.

Visit belongto.org for more information



Mental health support and advice to young people aged 12 to 25 years old and parents or concerned adults.

Freephone 1800 544729 from 1pm to 5pm Monday to Friday.

Text CALL ME to 086 180 3880 with your preferred day and time for a call.

help@jigsaw.ie - replies 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday

Visit jigsaw.ie or jigsawonline.ie



Freephone 1800 910 123 from 10am to 2pm Monday to Friday.


Barnardos also provide a children's bereavement helpline service.

Telephone 01 473 2110

10am to 12pm Monday to Thursday.



Articles and information for young people on many different topics including mental health.

Text SPUNOUT to 086 1800 280 to talk to a trained volunteer - standard message rates may apply.

Visit spunout.ie

Online counselling and support



Free online counselling and online support groups for people over 18

Visit turn2me.org



Online counselling service

Visit mymind.org




Remote support and an outreach service to people who use Shine services by phone and email.

Visit shine.ie/covid-19


Suicide or Survive (SOS)


Free online wellness workshops and programmes

Visit suicideorsurvive.ie

Stress Control

Stress control classes to learn new stress management skills and mind your mental health from HSE Health and Wellbeing.

The programme is for 3 weeks on Mondays and Thursdays and commences again from Monday 2 November 2020.

Visit HSE Health and Wellbeing for more information.

Clanwilliam Institute


Individual, couple and family therapy sessions online and phone.

Visit clanwilliam.ie


Helplink Mental Health


Free low-cost online counselling services and educational resources.

Visit helplink.ie

Phone, email and text support



Emotional support to anyone in distress or struggling to cope.

Freephone 116 123 every day 24 hours a day


Pieta House


Telephone and text-based support counselling for people who are suicidal or engaging in self-harm.

Freephone 1800 247 247 every day 24 hours a day

Text HELP to 51444 - standard message rates apply

Visit pieta.ie



Information and support to anyone over 18. Issues relating to mood or the mood of a friend or family member, or who has depression or bipolar.

Phone 'Support and Self Care Peer Group' for people experiencing:

  • anxiety
  • mild to moderate depression
  • bipolar disorder
  • mood-related conditions

Freephone support line 1800 80 48 48 10am to 10pm every day


Visit aware.ie

Irish Hospice Foundation


A freephone bereavement support line providing information, connection, comfort and support.

Phone 1800 807 077 Monday to Friday from 10am to 1pm.

Visit hospicefoundation.ie for more information.

Text 50808


A free 24/7 text service, providing everything from a calming chat to immediate support for people going through a mental health or emotional crisis.

Text HELLO to 50808, anytime day or night.

Visit www.text50808.ie for more information.

LGBT Ireland


LGBT+ helpline 1890 929 539 every day

Gender identity family support line 01 907 3707

Online instant messaging support 6.30pm to 10pm Monday to Thursday, 4pm to 10pm Friday and 4pm to 6pm Saturday and Sunday.

info@lgbt.ie for support or information

Visit lgbt.ie

Mental Health Ireland


Information and support for people who experience mental health difficulties

Information line 01 284 1166 from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday

Visit mentalhealthireland.ie


Accessing CAMHS during COVID-19


Your child may be currently accessing Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). If they are, it is important that they continue to engage with their mental health team. This will support their recovery.

HSE CAMHS community services are still providing face-to-face appointments where necessary. Many CAMHS teams are also providing one-to-one appointments over the phone.

Your mental health team can go through options with you over the phone.

Freephone 1800 111 888anytime for your local services phone number.

The CAMHS service is open for referrals and GPs can make referrals.

If your child experiences a mental health crisis contact your:

  • GP
  • public health nurse
  • local Emergency Department (ED)

For those already engaged in services they should call their local community team.

There are also other service providers that offer online and phone mental health supports and services.

These include:

  • online counselling
  • phone and text services
  • online supports
10 2025
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17 2025
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Kildare Town Community School
Dunmurry Rd,
Kildare Town,
Co. Kildare,
R51 D288

045 535228

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