Upcoming Careers events

Forthcoming talks / presentations for both parents and students include topics such as CAO, Carlow College, College Awareness week and College Speed Dating....

Upcoming Careers events for November and December include:

November 14th Parent's Information Session


An information session for parents of 6th year students will be held in KTCS Business studies room on November 14th at 3.15 pm just before the Parent Teacher meeting. The presentation entitles Third level Options will cover the many options open to students on leaving school including Employment, Apprenticeships, Further and Higher education. The application process to the CAO will be covered and key application dates will be given. Parents will also be briefed on the HEAR & DARE access schemes. All parents of 6th year students are welcome.

November 15th IT Carlow/ Carlow College’s Open Day


The annual trip to IT Carlow/ Carlow College’s Open day will take place on Thursday November 15th 2018. The bus will leave the school at 9am and return at 4pm. Students will have the opportunity to attend talks on the various courses at the colleges and to view the facilities. Lecturers, staff and students will be available to speak with students and to show the facilities at the college.

November 19th - 23rd College Awareness Week


Kildare Town Community School is hosting a Focus on Apprenticeships, Further Training and local colleges afternoon on Thursday November 22nd from 2-4pm for senior cycle students and their parents. Students will have the opportunity to speak with apprentice providers in a variety of career areas ranging from hospitality, construction, engineering, carpentry. Students can bring CV’s to the event.They will also be able to meet with representatives from professional bodies who are coordinating new apprentices in a variety of areas such as Insurance, Accountancy, Hospitality, Plastics, Automobile and many others. Horse Racing Ireland and RACE will also be in attendance. Maynooth University, Trinity College, National College of Ireland, Carlow IT, Athlone IT, Waterford IT and our local Further education provider will provide information on the courses on offer there KWETB and DIT will give information on the apprenticeship programmes they coordinate. Bank of Ireland, Garda, Defence Forces, Pfizer, TEGRAL, ESB and many other companies will be available to speak with students and their parents. Other local schools have been invited and parents and students are encouraged to avail of this opportunity to attend this information packed event.

November 23rd Shannon College Presentation


Shannon College of Hotel Management will give a presentation to 6th years on courses in Hospitality and Business at the college.

9.40am Computer Room

December 20th KTCS Annual College Speed Dating

Past pupils from a variety of colleges will return to KTCS on December 20th 11.15am in the Cantten area to share their college experiences with 6th year students. The event will take the form of a speed dating event where students will have 5 minutes with each college student to ask them questions about their course, the college, the costs of college, the ups and downs and generally the information that is not in the prospectus. Students have found this event to be very helpful as it allows them to focus on college options in advance of the early closing date for the CAO on January 20th 2019.

17 2025
St Patrick's Day
26 2025
TY School Musical
08 2025
Staff Meeting
14 2025
Easter Holidays
02 2025
Sports Day
Kildare Town Community School
Dunmurry Rd,
Kildare Town,
Co. Kildare,
R51 D288

045 535228

© 2025 Kildare Town Community School