September Guidance News

News from the Guidance Department for the month of September

September 2019 KTCS Guidance events


Thank you to all of 2019 Leaving Certificate students who have contacted the Guidance Counsellor (GC) to tell of their experiences at third level. The numbers of students in KTCS accessing courses in further & higher education continues to grow. Students are attending UCD, DCU, Trinity College, Maynooth University, UL, IT Carlow, Waterford IT, AIT as well as a host of Colleges of Further Education. We welcome any students who are available back to the school on December 19th at 11.15 for the Colleges Speed dating event to share their experiences with the present leaving cert students.

Exam students


Over 120 3rd & 6th year students availed on the Study skills workshop with Student Enrichment Services in KTCS in September. Students learnt about making study timetables, taking effective notes, setting targets and using a variety of study methods to aid memory and retention. Feedback from students was excellent. All 3rd & 6th year students in the school are being given Study timetables to help with their study time management

Higher Options 2019.jpgSeventy 6th year students attended the Higher Options conference in RDS in September. They attended a variety of career talks and spoke to third level college representatives from all the major universities and Institutes of Technology in Ireland as well as apprenticeship, further education providers and college representatives from the UK and Europe.

6th year DCG students had a presentation on Design related courses at IT Carlow from the head of design at the college. Students saw visuals of products created by students at the college and heard of the many in demand careers in this area.

6th year students have begun their Career Interviews with the Guidance counsellor. At this interview, students’ aptitudes, interests, values etc. are used to compile a list of options for the future. Each students is given a CAO book, a KTCS Guidance Information leaflet and a Guidance form with a list of courses that would suit the student. 6th year students can attend Open days at colleges in which they have a string interest. It is recommended that students attend where possible on Saturdays to avoid missing school. The Third level college speaker programme is on display in the Guidance lobby. Students intending to attend talks can do so by signing up in the Guidance lobby.

5th year

5th years are settling into the senior cycle. If any student wishes to change subjects, they should contact the GC immediately to see what options are open to them and the implications for their futures.

The dates have been set for the Schools and Business partnership programme, Skills at Work, run in association with Kildare Village. 5th year students can apply for a place on the programme by submitting their CV’s to the coordinators, Ms Urell or Mr O Connor before October. Over 5 sessions and a host of workshops and activities, students will broaden their experience of the world of work and will gain valuable mock interview and work experience.

Transition Year


TY students attended the careers summit in Swords in September. They gained new insights into a variety of careers, courses and were able to broaden their experiences in terms of diverse pathways for their futures. TY students have submitted their Career projects. This competition is sponsored by Kildare Village and projects will be collected on 30-09-2019 for display in the school. The standard of entries in areas as diverse as Law, Chef, beauty, Interior design, Pharmacy Aviation is extremely high and projects are on display in the Guidance suite.

1st years


All 1st year classes have been met by the School Guidance Counsellor and chaplain to explain the support services available in the school. They were each given a brochure explaining the services offered personally, educationally & vocationally by the Guidance Counsellor.

All students have completed their CAT4E test online. This test gives an indication as to the students’ verbal, numerical & spatial abilities. The parents report will help parents to support their son / daughter with their learning.

It was a pleasure to meet so many parents at the Parents Information Evening as part of our Wellbeing day in KTCS. First year study folders should help 1st years to develop good study habits from the beginning and their study timetables will help them to feel well prepared for end of topic / term tests.

Personal Counselling is available for any students of the school to discuss any personal, educational or vocational decision that might be affecting them. Students can make an appointment with the GC or the chaplain by placing their name on a piece of paper and posting it in the post-box in the Guidance lobby or placing it under the relevant office door.

If any parent wishes to discuss any of the above they can contact Ms. Urell at or by phoning the school at 045 535228.

10 2025
Seachtaine na Gaeilge
17 2025
St Patrick's Day
26 2025
TY School Musical
08 2025
Staff Meeting
14 2025
Easter Holidays
Kildare Town Community School
Dunmurry Rd,
Kildare Town,
Co. Kildare,
R51 D288

045 535228

© 2025 Kildare Town Community School