Schedule for Wellbeing Week: (4th – 8th of March)

There will be lots going on in KTCS for Wellbeing Week. The schedule is below.

Schedule for Wellbeing Week: (4th – 8th of March)




·Joe Wicks HIIT Session f or 1st years from 9.00 -9.40.

·‘Drop everything and dance/move’- teachers can do dance moves with students. Links to the videos will be sent to all staff to use with their classes. If you need to arrange time to do this in the canteen area let us know.

·Wellbeing poster Competition . Completed by Friday morning (box for posters in the Home Economics rooms). A prize presented for the best junior and senior poster.

·Yogurt samples given out at small break in the canteen.

· ‘Walk a mile with a smile’ – all staff and students at lunchtime (meet outside the front door at 1.35 – 1.50).

·Adding to the wellbeing board with classes and wellbeing blog on twitter (@ktcscareers).


·Joe Wicks HIIT Session f or 2nd years from 9.00 -9.40.

· ‘Drop everything and dance/move’- teachers can do dance moves with students. Links to the videos will be sent to all staff to use with their classes. If you need to arrange time to do this in the canteen area let us know.

·Mindfulness/meditation space for teachers at lunchtime.

·Basketball and penalty competition at lunchtime (staff versus students) in the hall.

·Penalty shootout for students at lunchtime in the pitch.

.School gym from 4-5 pm.


·20 minute of circuit session (8.20 – 8.40) in the hall.

·Joe Wicks HIIT Session f or 3rd years from 9.00 -9.40.

·‘Drop everything and dance/move’- teachers can do dance moves with students. Links to the videos will be sent to all staff to use with their classes. If you need to arrange time to do this in the canteen area let us know.

·‘Funky sock day’ – raise awareness for positive self esteem and mental health.

·Ebooks available for teachers on ‘mind your selfie’ left in the staffroom.

·1st year girls soccer competition from 1.20 – 1.50.

·Adding to the wellbeing board with classes and wellbeing blog on twitter (@ktcscareers).


·Dance f or TY/5th years from 9.00 – 10.20.

·‘Drop everything and dance/move’- teachers can do dance moves with students. Links to the videos will be sent to all staff to use with their classes. If you need to arrange time to do this in the canteen area let us know.

·Mindfulness/ meditation space for students at lunchtime.

·Healthy lunches can be made by any student in the school. Presented at lunchtime. Prize for the best junior and senior dish in the Home Economics room.

·Nutrition and Exercise talk for some students at lunchtime in the demonstration room.


·Dance for 6th years from 9.00 – 10.20.

·‘Fruity Friday’ – fruit samples given out at break in the canteen and staffroom.

·Winners of the junior and senior wellbeing posters announced. Prizes given.

·Adding to the wellbeing board with classes and wellbeing blog on twitter (@ktcscareers).

10 2025
Seachtaine na Gaeilge
17 2025
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26 2025
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Kildare Town Community School
Dunmurry Rd,
Kildare Town,
Co. Kildare,
R51 D288

045 535228

© 2025 Kildare Town Community School