If students do not have an exam at a particular examination slot they have the option of studying at home or studying in their exam centre. If you give permission for your son/daughter to study at home there must be a note in your son/daughters journal, which in turn must be stamped. We would ask that students have those notes by Friday 31st January to enable us to stamp them. These notes will be examined when your son/daughter leaves the school therefore they should remain in the journal. They will also be examined if your son/daughter arrives at school for an exam at a time other than 9am.
It should also be noted that students must be present at the start of the exam slot for Registration for exam slot they are presenting themselves for. The registration times for 3rd and 6th Year students are 9am and 1.20pm. Students are expected to be on time and students will not be permitted to enter an examination centre late. Also no student will be permitted to leave an exam centre early.
Students are expected to behave in an appropriate manner during exams and disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated. If a student misbehaves they will receive a verbal warning.If he/she misbehaves again he/she will be sent home to complete their examinations at home for the duration of the exams.
A copy of these rules can be viewed by clicking Mock Examinations Rules.pdf