KTCS Parents' Association AGM 2020

The KTCS PA AGM will be hosted online this year & is set for Monday October 5th 2020 @ 7.30pm (Zoom meeting invite link below).  Schools have been advised not to hold meetings in school buildings for now but the AGM must go ahead.
Dear Parent,
We hope you & your families are all keeping well.
The KTCS PA AGM will be hosted online this year & is set for Monday October 5th 2020 @ 7.30pm (Zoom meeting invite link below). Schools have been advised not to hold meetings in school buildings for now but the AGM must go ahead.
Parents that wish to nominate themselves as a PA committee member are asked to complete the PA AGM nomination form (link below) & email it to the PA by 6pm Friday October 2nd 2020.
This year the current committee are also suggesting that parents can nominate themselves as a Parent Rep (if they wish; a parent can double up as both i.e. a Parent Rep & a committee member). With the challenge of Covid the work of the Parents' Association will change & communication is vital. Information regarding everything that is happening in the school has to be communicated clearly & concisely (& most likely online) with all parents & we (current PA Committee) think the best way for this is to have as many parents involved as possible. Lighten the load! By having parent reps, 2 per year, (perhaps 3 for 1st years, 1 for TY & 1 for Acorn Centre) the information can be channelled, there doesn't have to be face to face meetings & it can be done via phone, email &/or text. Sharing the information in & out of the school can then be filtered per year, between PA Committee, Parent Rep, Student Council, Year Head, Deputy Principals, Principal & BOM.
Because of the challenge of Covid the PA are also asking for feedback/suggestions etc on how the PA can communicate, fundraise & assist the school & students in the coming year - which will need some outside the box thinking.
How the nominations will work -
  • Confirmation email will be sent back to a parent once their nomination form is received into ktcspa@gmail.com
  • If only 1 parent nominates themselves for a role they are automatically assigned this role
  • If more than one parent nominates themselves for the same role on the committee there are 2 options:
  • it will be voted on by everyone who is online on Monday October 5th -
  • or the nominees can agree to change their nominated role to another role that may not have a nomination e.g. 2 parents nominate themselves for Treasurer but the role of Vice Secretary hasn't been filled, 1 parent can opt to fill this role instead therefore there is no need for a vote.
Below are links to the KTCS PA Nomination Form, Constitution & NPCpp PA Guidelines to give you an idea of what the role of a Parents' Association is. Also attached is a list & short video of all the successful events & achievements in the last, albeit, short year - these all happened as a concerted, combined effort between students, parents, KTCS staff & the local community. There were some initiatives from last year that couldn't be fully completed due to Covid but hopefully these can continue this year, along with a few more. The more parents involved, the more idea's, the more feedback = a better place for all students.
Many Thanks & Kind Regards,
Sinéad Hanbury
KTCS PA Chairperson
10 2025
Seachtaine na Gaeilge
17 2025
St Patrick's Day
26 2025
TY School Musical
08 2025
Staff Meeting
14 2025
Easter Holidays
Kildare Town Community School
Dunmurry Rd,
Kildare Town,
Co. Kildare,
R51 D288

045 535228

© 2025 Kildare Town Community School