Welcome to our KTCS Literacy Week 2020
Here are a list of events and relevant links!
✧Riddles in each satellite school & on website
TY Literacy Event
✧Fighting Words: Writer John Connell-Moylan will be spoke to students about his writing career and shared some ideas on how to get writing!
4th years Thursday 2pm- Zoom
Students enjoying Zoom talk from Jim Connell-Moylan

✧TY Literacy Quiz
Thursday 3pm-4pm
Winners of the Kahoot Literacy Quiz showcasing prizes with Vice Principal Ms Hackett, teachers Ms Fennelly, Ms Strong and Ms Finucane.
Well done to all involved.

✧ “Teachers Get Caught Reading Competition” - Find out why your teachers love to read and guess your teacher’s favourite book.
✧6 Word Short Story Competition- get your entries in to your English teachers!
✧KTCS Sticky Stories- Students talk about their favourite books. Links below/ also displayed on Literacy Wall.
✧Quidditch Match of Harry Potter fame - with Mr O 'Sullivan
Thursday lunchtime Third year Students.
Some of the winners with teacher Mr O' Sullivan- Well done to all involved.

The Quidditch Match

✧Drop Everything and Read
Students taking part in Wednesday's 'Drop Everything and Read'

✧Banned Books- find out what books have been banned over the years and links to read the illicit texts!