KTCS Literacy Week 2019

KTCS Literacy Week took place from the 25th - 29th of November. The initiative was a great success for the Literacy and SSE committees.
KTCS Literacy Week 2019


KTCS Literacy Week took place from the 25th - 29th of November. The initiative was a great success for the Literacy and SSE committees.

A number of events took place throughout the week to celebrate literacy. These are some of the highlights.

The 6 word short story competition:

All years were invited to take part in the competition. Students were asked to write a short story in only 6 words. This was a great challenge and really encouraged students’ creative skills.

Literacy week organisers received 100’s of amazing entrees. Out of those 3 senior winners and 3 junior winners were selected.

Senior winners

Overall winning entree was by Jakub Bubowski

Morning sirens,

Afternoon calls,

Evening sorrows.

Runners up:

- Leah Glynn

-Allanah Sullivan

She said no, he didn't listen - Leah Glynn

We won, but at a cost - Allanah Sullivan

Junior winners:

Overall winner - Ella Smyth 1.3

Crows flock together,

A murderer occurs.

Runners up

There she was,

With my soul.

-Sophie Hughes

One night, two cars

3 lives.

-Monica Lawler

Well done to all who took part and thank you to all the English teachers who took time to enable students take part by supporting students in their classes + allowing class time.

Quidditch match

A quidditch match took place on the Wednesday of Literacy Week. This was a great event planned with the help of Mr.O’Sullivan. 2 teams the Ravenclaws and the Hufflepuffs battled it out, with the Ravenclaws emerging victorious.

Fifth Year Favourite Novel Speed Dating event

A speed dating event took place in the GPA area to kick off literacy week. This was a great opportunity for 5th year students to discuss their favourite books with the hope that students would learn about more interesting books inspiring them to read more.

Storytelling with Comics

Wednesday the 27th of November

Elida Maiques is a visual artist with a strong line in Comics. Forest years participated in an exciting workshop ran in conjunction with our Local Librarian in Kildare Town. Elida has brought her own comics live to the Bram Stoker Festival and her work has been exhibited internationally and published in The Irish Times, RíRá, award winning magazine Polen and others. We are delighted to have worked with her for the day where first years created masterpieces of comics. Fun was had by all through a series of simple exercises. Many students look forward to more events in our library throughout the year. Well done to all involved.

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Kildare Town Community School
Dunmurry Rd,
Kildare Town,
Co. Kildare,
R51 D288

045 535228

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