Weekly Highlights 13th - 17th January:
Monday 13th
- Oide Cluster Day. School closed for students.
Tuesday 14th
- Student Support Meeting.
- SPHE CPD. Oide.
- KTCS Peace Ambassadors Zoom call.
- LCA meeting.
- NEPS training.
- Online Zoom. TY/3rd years and parents. Subject choices. 7pm.
Wednesday 15th
- SLT Meeting.
- Subject Options Fair for 3rd Years & TYs. 3pm - 4pm. School finishes at 2.45pm.
- LC Computer Science Practical in Maynooth.
- Junior girls GAA football.
- 1st and 2nd year boys basketball.
- AP1 meeting.
- LCA in the library.
Thursday 16th
- SLT Meeting.
- U15 boys soccer. Away match.
- Senior boys soccer. Away match.
- TY trip. Ice skating.
- Senior LCPE Performance Assessment.
Friday 17th
- LCVP interviews.
- 1st and 2nd year girls basketball. Home game.