Monday 10th
Student Support Meeting.
SLT Meeting.
3rd year English trip to see “Merchant of Venice”.
TY Work Experience begins today.
Credit Union Primary School Quiz. PE hall. 10am-12.30pm.
2nd year girls basketball. Away match.
Tuesday 11th
SLT Meeting.
Senior Cycle SPHE CPD.
Skin Care Talk. Library.
Junior girls soccer. Away match.
VSWare training.
2nd year boys basketball. 11.30am. Home game.
LCA interviews.
Mass for the Lourdes Group.
Wednesday 12th
SLT Meeting.
Senior Cycle SPHE CPD.
LCVP interviews.
JC Home Ec Practical.
Thursday 13th
Friday 14th
U15 boys soccer.
Midterm Break.